Pantai Inn
When you travel to Kota Kinabalu the land below the wind you can rest easy at Pantai Inn. A cosy establishment Pantai Inn is located in the heart of the city just a stone's throw from the main attractions (Sunday Gaya Street market signal hill ferry to the islands etc) and other conveniences. Af.... ((* Sorry, this information is not available in the selected language and is shown in EN)
Accommodation description
When you travel to Kota Kinabalu the land below the wind you can rest easy at Pantai Inn. A cosy establishment Pantai Inn is located in the heart of the city just a stone's throw from the main attractions (Sunday Gaya Street market signal hill ferry to the islands etc) and other conveniences. Affordable and well equiped to meet your basic accomodation needs Pantai Inn is perfect for the traveller on the go.
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